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At Miramar Christian School, our curriculum is designed to enable ākonga to explore all subject areas through high-quality learning opportunities that encourage Christian perspective and affirm Biblical principles. Our curriculum reflects the centrality of te Tiriti o Waitangi and its principles alongside a Christian Formation framework that promotes the development of faith/whakapono, hope/tūmanako and love/aroha.

As an Integrated State School, we are able to teach the Te Mātaiaho/The New Zealand Curriculum using a Biblical Worldview. This means that our students/ākonga receive a comprehensive education that prepares them for their future while at the same time equipping them to grow in their knowledge and understanding of the nature and character of God.

The principles that underpin our curriculum are:

  • students/ākonga understanding what it means to live in Aotearoa, New Zealand, and their place in it
  • a broad view of student/ākonga success recognising the strengths, interests and open-ended potential of all ākonga
  • high expectations for all, acknowledging that students/ākonga have different starting points and progress in different ways
  • Mātauranga Māori being honoured through valuing and making visible this worldview in the same way we value and make visible Western and other worldviews
  • a weaving of key competencies such as managing self and participating and contributing through all subject areas
  • inclusive and equitable delivery that connects learning to the experience of students/ākonga
  • opportunities for students/ākonga to respond to learning by changing their thinking and taking action in God honouring ways

Our students/ākonga receive high-quality learning that is age-appropriate and reflects their needs and interests.

  • In the early years (0-3), our students/ākonga thrive in an environment rich in literacy and numeracy;
  • In years 4-6, we expand our students/ākonga’s horizons of knowledge, offering increased opportunities for collaboration;
  • In years 7-8, the focus is on helping students/ākonga see themselves in the wider world and to grow their ability to advocate with and for others;
  • In years 9-10, the focus is on purpose and growing in empathy and resilience.

Christian Formation Framework

This framework provides a systematic way to work through scripture, using age-appropriate approaches to consider how each story/scripture passage can reveal the love of God/Jesus, encourage faith in God/Jesus, inspire a love for others, care for creation and hope for the future. Over the years, ākonga gain much from listening to, reading, unpacking and discussing stories/scripture passages, including an understanding of the centrality of Christ in scripture, a big-picture view of scripture and how scripture relates to their lives.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)

Miramar Christian School is a “Positive Behaviour for Learning” (PB4L) school/kura. Behaviour has a significant impact on learning so we teach good behaviour to gain positive academic results.
PB4L helps students/ākonga feel safe and secure. Desired behaviours are explicitly taught, coached, and rewarded. Our PB4L system includes earning merit cards, which students/ākonga use to claim rewards. Students/ākonga can work together by combining their merit cards to gain larger class rewards. This encourages a sense of being a team.


We take appropriate opportunities to enhance the curriculum by offering performances of quality entertainers and equipping tamariki with learning experiences outside the classroom. Our classes also conduct trips in the local community and in the senior years our Kauri class participates in a camp.

Learning Languages

All ākonga are learning Te Reo Maori. Years 4-8 ākonga receive two terms of Spanish.

Physical Education

P.E. is an important part of our curriculum and is scheduled to take place regularly each week. The kura participates in the major Eastern Zone sports’ tournaments and on occasion, Christian kura sports. Class trips, site experiences and external kura programmes (e.g. KiwiSport Soccer Programme) ensure there is an abundance of opportunities for ākonga to participate in education outside the classroom.


Qualified swimming instructors provide swimming lessons (indoor) for approximately 8 sessions. The sessions are: Learn to Swim and Water Safety – depending on the ability of the tamariki.


We offer music lessons during the school day through Goodtime Music Academy with them providing the instruments. Ākonga can learn drums, keyboard, ukulele, guitar or take a term of “Introduction to Music” to have a crack at them all! With a maximum of five ākonga per class, their teachers can focus on the needs of individual ākonga, while giving tamariki a chance to experience the thrill of playing alongside new friends. Using a curriculum developed by professional musicians and teachers – this fantastic resource includes workbooks and a suite of over 150 videos to make practicing and learning at home a breeze. This is an optional activity. Lessons are approximately $225 per term.

Digital Technology (ICT)

The ICT programme is designed to equip ākonga with the skills they need to become competent users of ICT. At each year level, the ICT skills will be tailored to complement and support the curriculum being delivered by the classroom teacher. Experiences include using coding and Robotics.

The value of using ICT in the curriculum is that it:

  • Motivates and engages ākonga
  • Increases interaction and discussion about learning objectives
  • Makes repetitive tasks more interesting
  • Provides access to new software, vast resources and information
  • Enables creative publishing
  • Develops digital citizenship and cyber safety
  • Makes connections with home and community
  • Enables tailoring of individual programmes
  • Extends learning

Kura Houses

Each ākonga is assigned as a member of one of our three kura houses.

The Houses are:

  • Bethlehem (green)
  • Canaan (blue)
  • Sinai (yellow)

Ākonga earn merit marks for their house and themselves. They will also compete for their house in competitions, such as Music, Sports, Speeches, etc.

World Vision

We sponsor Pheaktra Rath, a World Vision child. He lives in Cambodia, is 5 years old and is very much part of our kura. Eight or nine times a year, ākonga have a ‘Be Yourself’ day to raise money for Pheaktra where they can come to kura dressed in their ‘own’ clothes for the cost of a gold coin koha. We are always looking for opportunities to serve others.


41 Camperdown Road, Miramar, Wellington 6022
Ph: (04) 939 8558 | Fax: 04 939 8559

To report an absence please call the office (04) 939 8558

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